





学校副校长考特尼乌尔姆, beloved student advisor and tireless steward of all things academic at Foxcroft, was recently awarded the Jane Lockhart Service Award during the School’s Awards Assembly.

“It is my honor to present the 2021 Jane Lockhart Service Award to 考特尼乌尔姆,” Head of School Cathy McGehee remarked during the Awards Assembly. “Every member of the Foxcroft community has seen Ms. 乌尔姆’s selfless work to keep learning on track during the pandemic, to support individual students and teachers through classroom and personal challenges, and to ensure that we maintain the high standards that are a hallmark of a Foxcroft education while having compassion.”

麦吉接着说, “The list of all of her responsibilities is too lengthy to share here, but includes overseeing the development of at least three different academic schedules in the past year and a half alone; making sure our course placements and classroom numbers maintained required physical distancing protocols to keep our community safe and supporting distance learners. 在她的领导下, she seeks feedback from our community that directly impacts planning, 这一切都是为了我们学生的利益. 在重组的艰难时期. 乌尔姆 took on additional responsibilities as our 副校长, overseeing not only academics but also student life, and has helped rebuild trust and relationships with students, 父母, 和老师. Her integrity is beyond reproach, and she has been a fundamental partner to me and to the faculty. I value her experience and unique perspective and her ability to execute plans with care and concern for those involved.” 

自2006年以来,. 乌尔姆 has served in numerous roles at Foxcroft — history teacher, 系主任, 教务长, 居民救援, dorm parent (a position she continues to hold in addition to her responsibilities as 副校长), and beloved advisor — keeping students at the center of her work always. She personifies the qualities celebrated by the Jane Lockhart Service Award by empowering students with self-confidence and instilling in them the desire to learn not only while at Foxcroft but for a lifetime. 当她的名字被宣布时, faculty and students leapt to their feet in a spontaneous standing ovation for a woman who is so clearly deserving of this award.

Students were eager to share their support for Ms. 乌尔姆的选择. One rising senior observed, “She is honestly one of the most hard-working women I know... 如果我只能为一件事感谢她, I would say ‘Thank you for always being there to help me reason through anything I throw at you.’”另一个人写道. 乌尔默非常有思想,也非常聪明, both characteristics that help her work through problems with me whether about classes or leadership. She always seems to be able to articulate and understand my thoughts and feelings in ways that sometimes I am unable to do. 她是一个我可以随时去倾诉的人!一名即将升入大三的学生说. 乌尔姆 has made my sophomore year the wonderful year that it was. I genuinely couldn't ask for a more supportive figure at Foxcroft — I am so looking forward to the years ahead. 我们爱你. 乌尔姆!” 

祝贺你,女士. 乌尔姆, for receiving the 2021 Jane Lockhart Award!

The Jane Lockhart Service Award goes to a distinguished member of Foxcroft's staff or faculty who "exemplifies a personal commitment to and understanding of all of our students.” This commitment is demonstrated among other criteria by this individual’s ability to raise the overall quality of life at Foxcroft, unselfish giving of time and energy to the School, and ability to empower students with self-confidence and instill in them the desire to learn, not only while at Foxcroft but also for a lifetime, thus exemplifying the passionate belief that “everything we do is curriculum.”

This award is given in the spirit of Jane Lockhart, 1966年至2016年在Foxcroft工作, by the many students and their 父母 whose lives have been enriched by Jane’s dedication to young women. 以前的 winners of the Jane Lockhart Service Award include Lockhart, school nurses Penny Alderman and Yvette McCarty, 安全官员沃伦·佩恩, registrar/dorm parent and Hound Backer Patty Boswell, 教练弗雷德·麦克马内, 布伦达Trussell, 谁管理学校的商店和收发室, and Director of Student Services and school counselor Erin Abbott.